GLOBAL DREAMS : Imperial Corporations and the New World Order


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CONTENTS な od “〃 0 〃 : The Age of Globalization 13 P A R T O N E GLOBAL IMAGES, GLOBAL BEAT 23 1. GlobaI Dreams 25 2. The Technology of Pleasure 42 3. A Small Town Glob 引 Giant 68 4. Of the Making of Books 90 5. If Music Be the Food of Love 112 6. Global Entertainment and LocaI Taste 137 P A R T T w 0 THE GLOBAL SHOPPING MALL 161 1. The G ト引 Customer 163 2. Marlboro Country 184 3. The Global Grocer 208 4. A Matter of Taste 233

12 / GLOBAL DREAMS P A R T T H R E E THE GLOBAL WORKPLACE 257 1. Mass Production in Postmodern Times 259 2. The New Division of Labor and the Global J0b Crisis 3. The Transformed Workplace 310 4. PoIitics, Markets, and Jobs 339 P A R T F 0 U R GLOBAL MONEY 359 1. Bankers in a World of Debt 361 2. Money Without a Home 385 283 3. GlobaI Finance and America's Banking Crisis 403 Co 耘 5 われ : Global Thinking in a DisorderlY World 419 Notes 431 Selected Bibliogr 叩 hy 459 lndex 466

INDEX A & M Records, 122 accountability, 422 , 427 ー 28 Acheson, Dean, 421 acquisitions. See mergers and acqu1S1- tlons adverti sing. See marketlng and promoüon African-Americans: cigarettes and, 196 ー 97 ; dietary habits of, 244 ; recent immigrants and, 302 , 304 , 307 ; restructuring oflabor market and, 292 , 293 Agnelli family, 227 , 401 agriculture, 208 , 209 , 284 , 333 ; subsistence farming and, 210 , 291 , 299. See 4 な 0 food; food industry Agriculture Department, U. S. , 205 , 244 alcohol, 182 , 185 , 186 , 196 ー 97 Algeria, 296 Allen, Richard, 203 American dream: mlgratl()n patterns and, 300 , 301 American Express, 370 American PsychologicaI Association (APA), 156 ー 57 American Tobacco Company, 188 , 189 Angola, 252 antismoking movement, 187 , 194 ー 95 , 198 , 204 antitrustlaws, 73 , 231 ー 32 apples, 238 , 239 ー 40 Argentina, 191 , 284 , 370 , 372 Ariola Records, 116 , 118 Arista, 26 , 117 , 118 , 121 , 123 Armstrong, C. MichaeI, 280 Asia: cigarette market in, 199 , 200 ー 201 , 202 ー 4 , 206 ; Citicorp's expansion into, 376 ー 77 ; consumer spending in, 64 ー 65 ; as market for OccidentaIfood, 220 ー 21 ; piracy in, 141 ー 43 ; Sony's move into, 63 ー 65. See 4 な 0 平市 ( ( 04 れな 5 Aspin, Les, 343 assembly line, 260 ー 61 , 315 , 320 ー 21. See 4 な 0 factories; manufacturing•, mass pro- duction AT&T, 46 , 47 , 53 , 168 austerity measures, 353 , 373 AustraIia, 171 , 297 Australian Card Services, 376 autarchy, 349 ー 50 authoritarian governments, 422 ー 23 authors: as celebrities, 96 ; earnings of, 93 ー 94 ; in marketing of their books, 99. See 4 な 0 books; publishing industry automatic teller machines (ATMs), 367 , 374 , 375 automation, 268 , 310 , 324 , 325 , 420 automobile industry, 176 , 182 , 260 ー 74 , 314 ー 20 ; 、、 Buy American" policy and, 278 ー 79 ; food companies acquired by, 227 ; Japanese, 261 , 265 ー 68 , 271 ー 74 , 278 ー 80 , 281 , 345 , 355 , 404 ; jobs trans- ferred to Mexico by, 318—20;just-in-time production in, 267 , 268 , 315 ー 16 ; labor movement and, 261 , 262 , 312 ー 13 , 316 , 317 ー 18 , 319 , 320 ; layoffs in, 268 , 274 , 278 , 291 , 312 ー 13 , 317 ー 18 ; local content rules and, 279 ー 80 ; marketing and promo- tion in, 267 ; mass production introduced in, 260 ー 61 ; strategic alliances in, 271 ー 274 , 316 ; team production in, 266 , 314 ー 315 , 316 , 318 ; variety introduced in, 262 ; vehicle size and profit margins in, 269 ー 70 ; wage levels ⅲ , 260 ー 61 , 262 , 313. See 4 な 0 Ford Motor Company; 52 に C ~ C ( 0 〃 1P4 れ 5

Bagdikian, Ben H. , 346 Bailey, James, 374 Baker & McKenzie, 335 Balassa, Bela, 288 Bangladesh, 252 , 417 ー 18 ; migrant workers from, 296 , 297 Bank America, 412 Bankers Trust, 371 , 379 , 380 , 386 , 410 , 411 banking and financial services, 17 ー 18 , 361 ー 418 , 420 ; activities shifted 0 爪 ho 代 in, 394 ー 95 ; circumvention of g 引代 - quirements in, 392 , 394 , 395 ; commer- cialloans and, 378 ー 81 , 393 ー 94 , 412 ; credit cards and, 367 , 373 , 374 ー 75 , 376 , 377 , 383 ー 84 , 411 ; crisis in, 381 , 393 ー 94 , 409 ー 10 , 415 ; in developing countries, 401 ー 2 ; electronic transfers and, 385 ー 91 ; Euromarket and, 365 , 395 , 397 , 400 , 418 ; foreign-exchange trade and, 390 ー 91 , 395 ー 96 , 397 ー 98 ; fraudulent or crtminal operatlons ln, 388 ー 89 ; GATT and, 354 ; government regulation of, 364 ー 65 , 378 , 380 , 391 ー 95 , 397 , 402 , 412 , 413 , 415 ; history of, 361 ー 63 ; informauon technology and, 386 ー 87 , 398 ー 99 ; internationalloans and, 353 , 368 ー 73 , 378 , 380 , 382 , 394 ー 395 , 400 ; international supervision , 418 ; investment, 399 ー 402 , 411 , 412 , 415 ; in Japan, 361 ー 62 , 364 , 378 , 391 , 404 , 405 ー 6 , 407 ー 8 , 410 ー 11 , 412 , 415 ; mergers and consolidation of, 411 ー 13 ; national differences in, 410 ー 12 ; real- estate market and, 380 ー 81 , 393 ー 94 , 413 ; reform proposals for, 415 ー 18 ; so- cial role of, 413 ー 16 , 417 ー 18 ; technology and, 398 ー 99 ; Third WorId debt crisis and, 368 ー 73 , 378 , 380. See 4 な 0 Citi- Bantam, 91 , 92 , 95 , 101 , 103 Bankwire, 388 bankruptcy, 413 , 414 Bank of America, 376 corp; money; specific わ 4 れ越 Bertelsmann, 16 , 18 , 68 ー 89 , 134 , 381 , Benton, Philip, 268 ー 69 , 272 Benson & Hedges, 196 Bennett, Harry, 262 , 263 Benetton, 176 Bell Labs, 230 Belize, 285 Belgium, 276 , 361 , 411 Beech-Nut, 224 Beatrice Foods, 227 Beatles, 37 BCCI, 418 Bayer, 182 BaseI Group, 418 Barbados, 285 INDEX / 467 benevolent, paternalistic employer, 86 ー 87 ; book and record clubs of, 69 , 73 , 81 , 101 , 102 , 103 , 117 ; businesses outside commumcattons industry rejected by, 79 ; division of earnings at, 87 ー 88 ; history , 70 ー 73 ; holdings of, 69 ー 70 ; as interna- tional vs. g ト引 company, 79 ー 81 ; maga- zines published by, 69 , 74 ー 77 , 81 ー 84 , 86 , 117 ; major competltor of, 83 ー 84 ; management 0 77 ー 79 , 84 ー 86 ; in music industry, 26 , 73 , 83 , 116 ー 23 , 139 , 140 , 142 , 143 , 144 ー 45 , 150 , 155 , 158 ー 59 ; U. S. publishing houses acquired by, 92 , 94 , 100 ー 103 Bertelsmann, Carl, 71 Betamax, 56 ー 55 , 57 , 125 Big Bang, 399 , 400 , 401 billboards, 174 biotechnology, 251 , 426 Bissinger, Manfred, 77 Bluestone, Barry, 291 , 292 BMG, 121 , 122 ー 23 , 139 , 140 , 141 , 159 BMW, 321 Bolivia, 286 ー 87 , 369 books: active collaboration Of reader re- quired by, 107 ー 8 ; electronic, 107 ; global, 80 ー 81 , 94 ー 95 ; shelflife of, 109. See 4 な 0 authors; publishing industry ト ooksto 代 chains, 98 ー 99 , 100 Borden, 224 Bosnia, 421 Bourdieu, Pierre, 110 Braddock, Richard, 373 ー 74 Brady, NichoIas, 391 ー 92 brand-name products, 174 Brazil, 182 , 284 , 307 , 357 , 366 ; bank loans to, 369 , 370 , 371 , 372 ; cigarette market in, 191 , 206 ; disparities of wealth in, 179 ; music market in, 149 ; as potential market, 181 ; television in, 159 , 171 ; to- bacco grown in, 205 , 206 ー 7 "bread and circus" strategy, 39 Bretton Woods system, 249 ー 50 , 349 , 352 British American Tobacco (BAT), 182 , 198 , 204 , 206 ー 7 British Columbia, 351 Brown, Jerry, 346 Brown, Tina, 84 BuIova Watch Company, 50 , 275 Bundesbank, 401 Burnett, Leo, 190 , 191 , 221 Burstein, Daniel, 406 Bush, George, 153 , 201 , 204 , 221 , 279 , 293 , 344 , 350 , 408 ー 9 , 410 ; NAFLA and, 355 , 356 、 Buy American" slogan, 278 ー 79 Buziak, Bo ト , 122 Byrd, Robert, 307 ー 8 Byrne, Bridget, 128

468 / GLOBAL DREAMS cable television, 27 , 126 , 138 , 148 , 172 ; MTV, 38 ー 39 , 126 , 138 , 153 ー 54 , 157 , 171 CaIifornia: Asian immigrants in, 298 ; food operations moved tO Mexico from, 254 ー 255 ; taxes on foreign-owned firms ln, 345 ー 46 Camel, 197 Campbell (company), 244 Campbell, Donald G. , 106 ー 7 Campeau, R0bert, 379 ー 80 Canada, 253 ; auto industry in, 313 , 317 ; cigarettes in, 194 , 195 ; fears 研 foreign cultural domination in, 106 ー 7 , 149 ; NAFTA and, 356 ー 57 C&S/Sovran, 413 Cape Verde, 289 capital: global mobility of, 300 , 310 , 349 , 351 ー 52 ; removed from Third World, 370 capitalism, 260 , 287 , 288 Capitol Records, 119 , 120 Carnation, 224 Carter, Jimmy, 367 Caterpillar, 355 Catholic Church, 336 CBS, 91 CBS Records, 58 , 115 , 118 , 119 , 122 , 132 , 145 ; history of, 124 ; Sony's acquisition of, 67 , 124 ー 29 , 132. See 4 な 0 Sony Music censorship, 105 , 108 ー 9 , 155 , 159 Census Bureau, 335 CHAPS, 388 Chase Manhattan, 400 Chase National Bank, 369 Chemical Bank, 398 , 412 ー 13 Chia, Pei-yuan, 374 , 377 Chicago Board Options Exchange, 401 Chicago Mercantile Exchange, 395 ー 96 child labor, 333 ー 34 children: malnutrition among, 210 ; media's effects on, 156 ー 59 ; product promotions geared t0, 166 , 241 Chile, 383 ; bank loans to, 368 , 369 , 372 ; fresh fruits exported by, 235 , 238 China, 105 , 178 , 182 , 220 , 283 ー 84 , 285 , 294 , 326 , 424 ; cigarettes in, 185 , 201 , 204 ; consumer spending in, 167 , 181 ー 83 ; entertainment industry and, 139 ー 40 , 142 ; Euromarket and, 365 , 395 ; language bar- rier and, 170 ; migrant workers from, 297 , 298 , 304 ; as potential market, 181 ー 182 , 183 ; slavelike working conditions in, 332 ; special economc zones in, 321 ; U. S. banking interests in, 363 CHIPS (New York Clearing House lnter- bank Payment System), 387 ー 88 , 390 Chirac, Jacques, 33 ー 34 , 83 Christopher, Warren, 340 ChrysIer, 317 , 318 cigarettes, 16 , 18 , 182 , 184 ー 207 , 222 , 225 , 228 , 229 , 286 ; African-American causes supported by makers of, 197 ; antismok- ing campaigns and, 187 , 194 ー 95 , 198 , 204 ; associations of, 186 ; cigarette com- panies' attitudes toward health risks Of, 186 ー 87 , 192 ー 93 ; dangers of second- hand smoke from, 186 , 194 ; deaths caused by, 184 , 186 , 192 ー 93 , 194 , 196 , 202 ; excise taxes on, 193 ー 94 , 199 ; female market for, 189 , 196 ; global mar- ket for, 184 ー 85 , 198 ー 99 , 200 ー 204 ; government-industry partnership and, 199 ー 202 , 204 ; imported tobacco in, 205 ー 7 ; laws restricting smoking of, 195 , 197 ; marketing and promotion of, 189 ー 192 , 193 , 195 , 196 ー 98 ; model changes ⅲ , 197 ー 98 ; pharmacology of tobacco and, 185 ー 86 ; potential new smokers of, 195 ー 97 ; price of , ・ 213 ; profitability of, 185 ; trade restrictions and, 201 , 202 , 204 ; warning labels on, 193 ; youth mar- ket for, 197. See 4 な 0 Marlboro; Philip Morris Citicorp (Citibank), 15 , 17 ー 18 , 362 ー 84 , 392 , 405 , 410 , 411 ; commercialloans of, 378 ー 81 , 394 ; consumer-banking activities of, 367 , 373 ー 77 , 380 , 383 ー 84 ; credit- card business of, 367 , 373 , 374 ー 75 , 376 , 377 , 383 ー 84 ; crisis at (late 1980S ) , 381 ー 383 ; early history of, 362 ー 63 ; exodus of capital from Latin America facilitated by, 370 ; foreign-exchange operations of, 390 ー 91 , 398 ; information systems mar- keted by, 381 ; internationalloans of, 368 ー 73 , 378 , 380 , 382 , 395 ; real-estate portfolio 0f, 380 ー 81 ; securities opera- tions of, 400 cities, 334 ; loss of manufacturing jobs in, 276 ー 77 , 291 ; migration to, 179 , 210 , 299 ー 301 classical music, 113 , 118 ー 19 Clinton, Bill, 39 , 180 , 204 , 408 , 409 , 416 , 417 Clydesdale, Fergus M. , 245 CNN, 171 , 346 Coca-Cola, 15 , 65 , 79 , 129 , 169 ー 70 , 176 , 181 , 182 , 189 , 227 , 246 coffee, 209 , 220 , 225 , 250 ー 51 Cold War, 105 , 311 , 420 ; end of, 20 , 21 , 125 , 355 , 372 CoIumbia Pictures, 55 , 67 ; Sony's acquisi- tion of, 125 , 129 , 134 ー 36 Commodity Credit Corporation, 199 ー 200 communications industry, 15 ー 16 , 68 ー 111 ; consolidation Of various media in, 92 ー 93 ・ controlled by handful of global giants, 346 ー 47 ; technology and, 79. 立ど 4 な 0 cul- tural products; entertainment industry;

publishing industry; television; 平市 ( ( 0 〃 124 れ肥 5 communism, 38 , 137 , 139 , 288 , 311 , 420 community, 22 ; alternatlve notions Of' 429 ー 430 ; banking and needs of, 414 ー 16 , 417 ー 418 ; decline of, 38 , 39 , 342 Community Reinvestment Act' 416 , 417 compact discs (CDs), 144 , 146 computers, 46 , 57 , 352 ; banking and' 385 ー 390 , 398 ー 99 ; entering data into, 335 , 」 36 ー 37 ; music industry and, 143 ; pirated software for, 145 ; publishing industry and, 91 , 109 , 110 ConAgra, 227 Confederation of Mexican Workers (CTM)' 318 , 320 Congress, U. S. , 64 , 145 , 205 , 239 , 317 ; banking and, 364 ー 65 , 380 , 392 , 393 , 409 ; private lnterests's influence ln, 343 ー 44 Connor, John M. , 226 , 230 ー 31 consumer confidence, 180 consumer electronics, 42 ー 67 , 182 , 355 ; con び 0 ー over entertamment software 125 , 130 ー 31 , 132 ー 34 ; decline in profit margin 0f ( 1990S ) , 130 ー 31 ; new technol- ogies in, 143 ー 46 ; prices and' 146 ー 47. See 4 な 0 Sony consumer spending, 163 ー 256 , 426 ; accu- mulation mentality and, 177 ー 78 ; Ameri- cans' profligate consumption habits 177 ー 78 ; in Asia, 64 ー 65 ; in Communist natlons, 167 ; cost-consclousness 174 ; credit cards and, 367 , 373 , 374 ー 75 , 376 , 377 , 383 ー 84 , 411 ; decline in ( 1990S ) , 180 ; marketing and promotion and, 168 ー 83 ( 5 4 な 0 marketing and promotion); in 1980S , 166 ー 68 ; segmenta- tion by income level and, 178. 立ど 4 な 0 global products; “市 c Products contracting-out: in garment 331 ー 334 ; in information industries, 337 ; in sport-shoe industry, 325 ー 26 , 327 ー 28 copyright protection, 106 corporations: foreign-owned, in U. S. , 345 ー 346 ; global ( 5 global corporations;) multinational ( 5 ど e multinational corpora- tions); political influence 飜 , 342 ー 47 , 348 ; social responsibility lacked by, 422 , 427 ー 28 ; tax burdens of, 344 , 345 ー 46 corruption, 347 Coser, Lewis, 109 Costa Rica, 285 CPC lnternational, 227 credit, 17 , 167 ー 68 , 387 ; social and political development related t0' 414 ー 16 , 417 credit cards, 367 , 373 , 374 ー 75 , 411 ; global market fo ら 376 , 377 , 383 ー 84 Cuba, 299 , 369 INDEX / 469 Cullman, Joseph, Ⅲ , 189 ー 90 , 193 ー 94 culturalimperialism, 104 ー 7 , 149 ー 50 , 159 ー 60 cultural products, 15 ー 16 , 18 , 25 ー 160 , 419 ; American, worldwide interest in, 35 ー 36 ; and backlash against global commercial cultures, 155 ー 60 ; children affected bY' 156 ー 59 ; cultural domination and, 104 ー 7 , 149 ー 50 , 159 ー 60 ; ethnicity of immigrants and, 307 ; migration patterns and, 300 , 301 ; as opiates, 37 , 40 ; tourism and, 29 ー 35. see 4 な 0 bOOks; entertainment indus- try; magazmes; mOV1es; mUSlC; muSlC industry; publishing industry; television currency trade, 390 ー 91 , 395 ー 96 , 397 ー 98 CzechosIovakia, 286 Dannen, Fredric, 149 data banks, 335 ー 36 , 381 data-processing jobs, 335 , 336 Davies, Alun, 104 Davis, Clive, 115 , 118 , 122 , 123 Davis, Martin S. , 342 Davis, Ron, 202 DDT, 350 ー 51 Deaver, MichaeI, 203 debt crisis, 179 , 368 ー 73 , 378 , 380 ; auster- ity measures and, 353 , 373 ; Citibank's loan policies and, 368 ー 69 ; defusing 372 ー 73 ; flight of capital and, 370 ; U. S. government and, 371 ー 72 deficit spending, 341 ー 42 , 403 , 406 , 409 Dell, 92 , 94 , 101 , 103 democracy, 343 , 414 , 421 , 427 demographics, 28 ー 29 , 175 , 176 , 179 Denmark, 314 , 351 Depression, Great, 369 , 392 , 414 Deregulation and Monetary control Act ( 1980 ) , 393 developing countries, 342 , 396 ; austerity measures in, 353 , 373 ; banking 401 ー 2 ; cigarettes marketed in, 184 , 198 ー 207 ; debt crisis in, 179 , 353 , 368 ー 73 , 378 , 380 ; development orthodoxy and, 250 , 251 , 287 ー 88 ; educationallevels in, 305 ; exploitation 0f workers in, 325 ー 29 , 331 ー 34 ; export-processing zones in, 300 ー 301 , 321 , 326 ー 27 ; exposure t0 global products in, 165 ー 66 ; factories relocated to, 53 ー 54 , 274 ー 76 , 318 ー 20 , 325 , 326 , 332 , 356 ; as food exporters, 250 ー 56 ; food in, 245 ー 47 ; foreign cultural domi- nation feared in, 105 ー 6 , 107 ; GATT and, 354 ー 55 ; growth oflabor pool in, 294 ; infantformula in, 223 ー 24 ; informal economy in, 328 ー 29 卩 oss 0f self- sufficiency in, 252 ー 53 ; mass-consumption productladder in, 182 ; migration 伝 om , 296 ー 309 ; multinationals courted by, 424 ;

470 / GLOBAL DREAMS developing countries ( co れた ) music industry and, 141 ; NestIé's strategy in, 225 ー 26 ; as potential market, 179 ー 80 , 181 ー 83 ; public enterprises in, 339 ; in seven tiers 0f g ト引 division 0 日 a ト or , 284 ー 87 ; supranational institutions and, 352 ー 53 ; telecommunications in, 337 ; to- bacco grown in, 205 ー 7 ; trade concessions 0 飛代 d to, 354 ; urban migration in, 179 , 210 development aid, 299 development theory, 250 , 251 , 287 ー 88 Diamandis CommunicatIons, 83 digital audiotape (DAT), 133 , 143 ー 45 Digital Equipment, 336 Dingell, John, 381 ー 82 direct marketing, 172 , 173 , 381 WaIt Disney, 29 , 49 , 92 ; theme parks and, 30 , 31 , 32 ー 35 division 0 日 abo ら global, 283 ー 309 , 420 ; development theory and, 287 ー 88 ; in early 1950S , 283 ー 84 ; environmental concerns and, 289 ー 90 ; erosron of union power and, 310 ー 11 , 312 ー 13 , 316 ; mass migra- tions and, 296 ー 309 ; relocation facto- ries to low-wage enclaves and, 53 ー 54 274 ー 76 , 318 ー 20 , 325 , 326 , 332 , 356 ; seven tiers in, 284 ー 87 ; unemployment and, 290 ー 93 ; wage levels and, 313 ー 14 , 330 ー 31. 立 4 な 0 labor market; work- place dollar ( し S. ) , 312 , 321 , 395 ー 96 ; Eurodol- lars and, 365 , 395 , 397 , 400 , 418 ; 0 幵 - shore accumulation of, 394 ー 95 ; U. S. trade balance and, 404 ー 5 Dominican Republic, 332 Dornemann, MichaeI, 102 , 116 ー 23 , 143 , 158 ー 59 Dothan, AIa. : foreign-owned firms in, 321 ー 25 Doubleday, 83 , 92 , 101 ー 3 Dow Chemical Company, 281 Drexel Burnham, 379 drug traffic, 389 Eastern Europe, 285 ー 86 , 305 , 339 , 340. S 4 な 0 5 々ど C ~ ( ( 04 れ一 es Eby, Jack, 270 ー 71 economic growth, 340 ; development ortho- doxy and, 250 , 251 , 287 ー 88 economles, national: governmental over, 20 ー 21 , 340 , 408 ー 9 , 422 ー 23 , 428 economies of scale, 27 ー 28 Ecuador, 246 education, 110 , 282 , 305 , 417 , 429 ; immi- grants and, 308 ; media and, 157 ー 58 Edwards, David, 390 ー 91 Egypt, 297 Ehrlich, PauI and Anne, 177 ー 78 electoral process, 343 , 414 electronic books, 107 Electronic lndustries 研 Japan, 346 日 Salvador, 325 ; migration 伝 om , 299 , 301 Elsevier, 97 EMI, 120 , 132 employment: jobs crisis and, 425 ー 27. See 4 な 0 division oflabor, global; labor mar- ket; layoffs; unemployment; workplace energy: used by od industry, 244 ー 45 entertainment industry, 15 ー 16 , 25 ー 29 , 35 ー 41 , 112 ー 60 ; demographics and, 28 ー 29 ; earnings Of, 25 , 26 ; economies Of scale in, 27 ー 28 ; escapism and, 36 ー 38 ; explana- tions for global expansion of, 26 ー 29 ; for- eign acquisition Of U. S. corporatlons 67 , 80 , 104 ー 5 , 116 ー 36 ; global market of, 35 ー 38 , 137 ー 38 ; ideological barriers to, 139 ー 40 ; lack 研 global consciousness and, 138 ー 39 ; leisure trme and, 40 ; mes- sages of rebellion spread by, 36 ー 37 , 38 ー 39 , 40 ; multimedia conglomeration in, 116 , 131 ; piracy and, 141 ー 43 , 144 ー 45 ; state manipulation of, 39 ー 40 ; synergy in, 131 , 132 ー 34 ; technology and, 26 ー 27 , 40 ; theme parks and, 30 ー 35 , 164 , 398 ; youths as consumers of, 137 ー 38. See 4 な 0 cultural products; m()VIes•, muslc•, muSlC industry; publishing industry; television; environment: degraded by tourism, 30 ; in- dustrial processes' effects on, 289 ー 90 , 352 environmental movement, 35 , 150 , 237 , 290 ; food industry and, 242 ー 43 environmentalregulation, 270 ; GAIT and, 351 ; in Mexico, 255 ー 56 Equidata PhiIippines, lnc. , 336 Esaki, Leo, 48 Ethiopia, 299 , 302 ethnicity, 104 , 340 , 429 Euro Disneyland, 30 , 33 ー 34 Euromarket, 365 , 395 , 397 , 400 , 418 European Commission, 350 , 351 European Community (EC), 106 , 219 , 349 ; banking in, 391 ; cigarette advertising in, 195 ; guest workers in, 296 , 305 ー 6 , 308 ー 9 ; integration of, 88 , 104 , 219 , 355 , 421 ; unemployment in, 291 exchange rates, 390 ー 91 , 395 ー 96 , 397 ー 98 excise taxes, 193 ー 94 , 199 Export-Import Bank, 368 export-processing zones, 300 ー 301 , 321 , 326 ー 27 factories: environment damaged by, 289 ー 290 ; foreign-owned, in U. S. , 321 ー 25 ; moved out of inner cities, 276 ー 77 , 291 ・ relocated to low-wage enclaves, 53 ー 54

274 ー 76 , 318 ー 20 , 325 , 326 , 332 , 356 ; women as workers in, 321 , 325 , 326 ー 27 , 328 ー 29 , 332 ー 33. See 4 な 0 manufacturing; mass production; workplace family, 334 ; decline of, 13 , 37 , 39 , 110 , 158 ; dinner rituals and, 248 ー 49 "family values, ” 155 fast-food industry, 234 ー 35 , 238 ー 39 , 246 fats, 247 ; Americans' consumption of, 240 ー 241 ; health concerns and, 237 , 238 ー 39 ; tropical oils, 251 , 287 Federal Deposit lnsurance Corporation (FDIC), 393 , 412 , 413 , 415 ー 16 Federal Reserve, 382 , 385 , 388 , 392 ー 93 , 394 , 396 , 408 , 411 FederaI Reserve Act ( 1913 ) , 362 Fedwire, 388 "feminization ” of work, 294 ー 96 fiber-optic technologies, 27 finance. s ビ banking and financial SerVlCeS; money Finland, 397 Fischer, Manfred, 78 fishing industry, 289 ー 90 Fitzpatrick, R0bert, 33 Fitzwater, Marlin, 344 food: American eating habits and, 240 ー 41 ; developing countries as exporters Of' 250 ー 56 ; distribution problems and, 211 , 252 ; entertainment value of, 241 ー 42 ; ex- ported by U. S. , 210 , 252 ー 53 , 254 ; in fu- ture, 245 ; GAIT and global safety standards for, 350 ー 51 ;localtastes in, 234 , 241 ; malnutrition and, 210 , 211 , 212 , 245 ー 46 , 247 , 253 , 353 ; microwave revolution and, 247 , 248 ー 49 ; in poor countries, 245 ー 47 ; price , 231 ; shifting tastes and, 236 ー 37 , 251 ; shopping f0G 243 ー 44 ( 5 記 4 な 0 supermarkets); social and cultural functions of, 233 ー 34 , 247 , 248 ー 49 ; spending on, 212 ; taboos and, 234 ; traditional, decline in consumption of, 246 ー 47 ; world market system and, 249 ー 56 Food and Drug Administration (FDA)' 212 , 239 , 255 , 350 ー 51 Food for Peace, 200 応 od industry, 16 , 208 ー 56 ; consolidation in, 212 ー 18 , 219 , 226 ー 28 , 229 ー 32 ; counterseasonal" fruits and vegetables and, 235 ー 36 ; desire for freshness and, 237 , 239 ー 40 ; energy inefficiencies in, 244 ー 45 ; environmental movement and, 242 ー 43 ; fast-food and, 234 ー 35 , 238 ー 39 , 246 ; flavor enhancers and, 242 , 287 ; glo- balization of taste and, 234 ー 35 , 245 ー 47 ; grain market and, 229 ー 30 , 252 ー 53 , 254 ; health concerns and, 237 ー 39 , 240 , 247 , 251 , 255 ー 56 ; history of, 209 ー 10 ; impov- INDEX / 471 erished unable t0 buy products of, 211 ; c 引 economies transformed by, 250 ー 56 ; localtastes and, 225 , 241 ; marketing and promotion in, 239 , 241 ー 42 , 246 ; reces- sion and, 219 ー 20 ; snacks and, 240 ー 42 ; technology and, 235 , 251 , 426 ; time- saving products and, 247 ー 48 ; traditional diets affected by, 246 ー 47 ; transportation methods and, 209. See 4 な 0 c ( 0 川 - pa れ 5 4 れ d products Ford, Henry, 62 , 259 , 260 ー 63 , 313 , 320 Ford, Henry, Ⅱ , 263 ー 64 , 271 ー 72 Ford Escort, 270 ー 71 , 272 ー 74 Ford Fiesta, 270 Ford Mondeo, 271 Ford Motor Company, 14 , 17 , 18 , 260 ー 64 , 265 , 266 , 267 ー 74 , 315 ー 16 , 317 , 387 , 416 ; as global company, 268 ー 71 ; Japa- nese practices adapted by, 267 ー 68 ; mass production introduced at, 260 ー 61 ; Mexi- can plants of, 319 ー 20 ; in strategic alli- ances With non-American 271 ー 74 ; unions and, 261 , 262 , 312 , 313 ; 、、 world car ” built by, 270 ー 71 , 272 ー 74 foreign-exchange trade, 390 ー 91 , 395 ー 96 , 397 ー 98 Forman, MiIos, 37 Fortas, Abe, 193 France, 107 , 296 , 311 , 314 , 411 ; banking in, 361 , 364 , 401 , 412 ; foreign cultural products restricted in, 149 ; foreign work- ers in, 306 , 308 ; loss 0f manufacturing jobs in, 275 , 276 Frankfurt Book Fair, 90 ー 91 free trade, 348 ー 52 , 372 ; arguments for and against, 349 ー 50 ; GATT and, 250 , 350 ー 352 , 354 ー 55 , 402 ; as misleading term, 348 ー 49 ; NAFTA and, 253 ー 54 , 350 , 351 , 355 ー 57 ; world food market and, 250 ー 56 Freston, Tom, 153 , 154 Friedman, MiIton, 395 ー 96 Frith, Simon, 147 ー 48 fruits, 245 , 254 ー 55 ; "counterseasonal, 235 ー 36 FuIIer, Craig, 344 fundamentalism, 37 , 140 , 155 , 429 futures market, 395 ー 96 Gap, 332 garment industry, 330 ー 34 ; contracting-out in, 331 ー 34 ; 、、 gulag labor" in, 332 ; sweat shops in, 330 ー 31 , 333 Garn, Jake, 343 Garn-St. Germain Act ( 1982 ) , 380 , 393 Gassner, Rudi, 139 ー 40 , 142 Geffen, David, 128 ー 29 , 133 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 250 , 350 ー 52 ; developing coun- tries and, 354 ー 55 ; financial servrces and,

472 / GLOBAL DREAMS 402 ; foreign investment and, 252 ー 53 ; global safety standards and, 350 ー 51 GeneraI EIectric (GE), 53 , 117 ー 18 , 276 , 280 , 285 , 336 , 347 , 355 , 387 GeneraI Foods, 203 , 214 , 218 , 373 ; history of, 215 ー 16 ; PhiIip Morris's acquisition of, 213 , 215 , 216 , 229 , 231 General Mills, 248 GeneraI Motors (GM), 172 , 261 , 262 , 263 , 267 , 313 , 316 , 357 , 393 , 403 , 411 , 416 , 423 , 425 ; plants closed by, 317 ー 18 Germany, 168 , 182 , 250 , 313 , 314 , 321 , 341 , 361 , 383 , 394 , 398 , 408 , 423 ; bank- ing in, 391 , 401 , 410 , 412 ; guest workers in, 296 , 305 , 306 , 308 ー 9 ; reunification of, 341 , 420 Germany, East, 73 , 81 , 167 , 285 Gerstacker, Carl A. , 281 Ghana, 286 , 287 Gilpin, Robert, 349 Ginn & Company, 96 Glasser, Joel M. , 225 Glass-Steagall Act ( 1933 ) , 364 ー 65 , 399 , 415 global corporations, 15 ; hyperbole about, 423 ; influence 0f, 14 ; national economres and, 20 ー 21 ; national governments under- mined by, 19 ー 20 ; power vacuum 6 d by, 342 ; statelessness , 280 ー 81 , 342 , 424. See 4 な 0 multinational corporations; specific ( 0 々 0 4 0 れ 5 globalization: not really global, 427 ; use of word, 13 ー 14 , 79 ー 80. 立ど 4 な 0 “市 c ー 0 々た 5 globallocalization strategy, 65 ー 66 global products, 163 ー 256 , 419 ; books as, 80 ー 81 , 94 ー 95 ; 10Ca1 differences and, 173 ; marketing and promotion of, 168 ー 83 ( 5 4 な 0 marketlng and promotion); at shopping centers and malls, 164 ー 66 ; in supermarkets, 166 ; supposed homogeni- zation of tastes and, 176 ー 77. See 4 な 0 cigarettes; consumer spending; fOOd; fOOd industry Goizueta, Roberto C. , 169 , 170 Goldman, Elliott, 118 , 120 ー 21 , 122 Gold S いら 56 ー 57 Go 代 , AI, 155 Go 代 , Tipper, 155 government regulation, 348 ; 0f banking, 364 ー 65 , 378 , 380 , 391 ー 95 , 397 , 402 , 412 , 413 , 415 ; environmentallaws, 255 ー 256 , 270 , 351 ; GAIT and, 350 ー 51 ; of securities business, 399 , 400 , 401 governments. S どど national governments grains, 229 ー 30 ; U. S. export of, 252 ー 53 , 254 Grand Metropolitan, 230 grapes, 235 Great Britain, 20 , 32 , 209 ー 10 , 311 , 354 , 421 , 423 ; banking in, 361 , 362 , 397 , 398 ; ト ooks 伝 om , altered for U. S. mar- ket, 95 ; London Stock Exchange de- regulated in, 399 , 400 , 401 ;loss of manufacturing jobs in, 275 , 276 ; maga- zine publishing in U. S. vs. , 84 ; migration to, 308 Greece, 295 , 302 Greider, William, 343 Grolier lnc. , 83 , 92 Gross, Johannes, 77 Grüner & Jahr, 74 , 82 , 86 , 87 Guatemala, 285 , 299 ; garment facilities in, 332 ー 33 Guber, Peter, 129 , 134 , 135 , 136 Gulf & Western, 91 Hachette, 83 ー 84 , 92 Haiti, 285 , 289 ; migration 伝 om , 299 ー 300 HamiIton, AIexander, 349 ー 50 Harnischfeger, Manfred, 78 Harper & Row, 92 , 99 Harrison, Bennett, 291 , 292 health care, 297 , 357 HeiIbroner, Robert, 426 Heineken, 168 H. J. Heinz, 227 ー 28 Helms, Jesse, 200 Henry, James S. , 370 high-definition TV (HDTV), 130 high-technology industries, 277 ー 78 , 304 Hispanic-Americans, 305 HitIer, AdoIf, 70 ー 71 , 75 , 77 Hoffmann-La Roche, 182 , 354 holding companies, 392 Hollings, Ernest F. , 278 HoIt, Rinehart & Winston, 91 Hong Kong, 142 , 191 ー 92 , 235 , 275 , 284 , 285 , 294 , 300 , 305 , 376 ; migrant work- ers in, 296 , 297 Houghton Mifflin, 104 housing: credit available for, 414 ー 15 , 416 Hungary, 285 , 305 Huxley, AIdous, 39 IBM, 65 , 168 , 230 , 336 , 357 , 395 , 416 , 423 , 425 ; as stateless corporation, 280 lbuka, Masaru, 43 ー 44 , 45 , 46 ー 48 , 49 , 50 , 60 , 62 lmmigration. See nugration lmmigration Reform and Control Act ( 1986 ) , 303 lmperial Tobacco Company, 188 lndia, 151 , 182 , 207 , 220 , 284 , 294 , 337 ; cigarettes in, 204 , 328 ー 29 ; Citibank's credit-card business in, 377 ; eating habits

ⅲ , 247 ; migrant workers from, 296 , 298 , 302 , 304 , 307 , 308 ; piracy in, 141 , 142 ; as potential market, 181 ; television in, 153 lndonesia, 142 , 285 ; Citibank's credit-card business in, 377 ; as f00d exporter, 251 ー 252 ; migrant workers from, 296 , 297 ; Nestlé's operations in, 225 ー 26 ; as poten- tial market, 181 ; sport shoes manufac- tured in, 326 , 327 ー 28 infant formula, 182 , 223 ー 24 infant mortality, 210 , 223 inflation, 340 , 396 , 408 informal-sector production, 328 ー 29 information industries, 259 , 334 ー 38 ; bank- ing and, 381 ; commercialization Of infor- matron and, 335 ー 36 ; exportation 0f menialjobs in, 336 ー 37 information revolution, 334 ー 35 , 380 , 399 information technology: banking and, 386 ー 387 , 398 ー 99 intellectual property, 106 ; GATT and, 354 interest rates, 348 , 367 , 369 , 396 , 407 , 408 , 411 ; Regulation Q and, 392 ー 93 lnternational Labor Organization, 294 ー 95 , 307 , 328 lnternational Monetary Fund (IMF), 250 , 254 , 339 , 352 ー 53 , 368 , 371 lnternational Trade Commission, 356 lran, 140 lraq, 297 lsgur, Lee, 92 lshihara, Shintaro, 55 lslamic fundamentalism, 140 ltaly, 295 , 311 , 314 , 347 , 354 , 361 , 397 ; financial servlces in, 401 ' 5 4 Ⅳ 0 れ d 一角 , 413 lwaka, Ken, 130 Jackson, Michael, 113 , 114 , 127 ー 29 , 131 , 132 , 137 , 138 , 140 , 146 Jacobs Suchard, 213 , 219 , 226 Jamaica, 285 Janklow, MO 代 on , 117 Japan, 107 , 171 , 182 , 199 , 235 , 288 , 289 , 296 , 298 , 301 , 355 , 376 , 394 , 409 , 420 ー 421 , 422 , 423 ; Americans' animosity to- ward, 278 ー 79 ; Asian market and, 181 ; aut0 industry , 261 , 265 ー 68 , 271 ー 74 , 278 ー 80 , 281 , 345 , 355 , 404 ; banking in, 361 ー 62 , 364 , 378 , 391 , 404 , 405 ー 6 , 407 ー 8 , 410 ー 11 , 412 , 415 ; business cul- ture in, 61 ー 62 ; capital accumulation in, 404 , 405 ; cigarette market in, 200 , 201 , 202 , 203 ー 4 ; coffee sales in, 220 ; con- sumer spending in, 168 ; corruptlon in, 347 ; as dominant force ln world econ- omy, 403 ー 4 ; eating habits in, 241 , 246 , 247 , 248 , 251 ー 52 ; economic reverses in INDEX / 473 ( 1990S ) , 407 ー 8 ; export-based economy of, 250 ; factories in U. S. owned by com- panies in, 321 ー 25 ; financial-services in- dustry in, 404 , 405 ー 6 ; food imports in, 220 ー 21 , 225 ; government's relationship with large corporations in, 282 ; labor movement in, 266 , 311 ー 12 ; labor short- age in, 306 ー 7 oss 0f manufacturing jobs in, 275 ; mass production modified in, 265 ー 68 ; part-time workers in, 340 ; shop- ping centers and malls in, 164 ー 65 ; state- less corporations and, 280 ー 81 ; team production in, 266 , 314 ; trade imbalance between U. S. and, 54 ー 55 , 58 , 64 , 221 , 404 ー 5 ; U. S. debt financed by, 406 ー 7 ; U. S. occupation of, 265 ー 66 ; wage levels in, 314 Japan T0bacco c. , 202 job rotation, 315 , 316 jobs: employment crisis and, 425 ー 27 ; envi- ronmentalsecurity traded for, 290. See 4 な 0 division 0 日 abo ら global; labor mar- ket; layoffs; unemployment; workplace J0hnson, Lyndon B. , 394 ー 95 Johnson & J0hnson, 182 Jones, Thomas, 375 Jordan: migrant workers 伝 om , 296 , 297 junk bonds, 378 , 379 junk food, 240 ー 42 , 246 Jurgs, Michael, 77 just in time production, 267 , 268 , 312 , 315 ー 16 , 332 JVC, 55 ー 56 Kapur, Dee, 273 Keidanren, 59 たな“ , 61 ー 62 , 410 Kellogg, 172 , 220 , 225 , 231 Kennedy, John F ” 394 ー 95 Kentucky Fried Chicken, 222 , 239 Kenya, 207 , 294 , 329 Keynes, J0hn Maynard, 17 , 163 Keynesianism, 20 , 348 K ん 4 れ立 4 , 289 Kidder Peabody, 347 Kilts, James M. , 220 Kmart, 98 , 291 , 332 Knopf, 104 Knox, George, 201 Koch, Peter, 75 Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, 227 Koop, C. Everett, 200 , 202 Korea, South, 182 , 205 , 235 , 284 , 285 , 288 , 294 , 296 , 300 , 321 , 326 , 355 , 356 , 376 , 423 ; cigarettes in, 200 , 201 , 203 ー 4 ; consumer electronics in, 56 ー 57 ; migrant workers 伝 om , 298 , 302 , 304 , 306 ー 7 ; piracy in, 142 ー 43 ; as potential market, 181

474 / GLOBAL DREAMS Kraft Foods, 213 , 237 , 241 ; history of, 216 ー 17 ; Philip Morris's acquisition of, 216 , 217 ー 18 , 229 , 231 Kraft General Foods (KGF), 218 ー 21 , 225 , 244 ; health concerns and, 238 , 239 Krasnow, Bob, 114 Kulkarni, Mohan, 377 Kurr, Rainer, 66 Kutsukaka, Mitsuo, 65 Kuwait, 297 , 396 labels, on 応 od products, 239 labor market, 17 ; growth oflabor pool and, 293 ー 94 ; increased mobility of, 300 ( 5 4 な 0 migration); restructuring of, 291 ー 93 ; women's entry into, 294 ー 96. See 4 な 0 di- vision 0 日 abo ら global; unemployment; workplace labor movement, 86 , 87 , 310 ー 13 ; auto in- dustry and, 261 , 262 , 312 ー 13 , 316 , 317 ー 318 , 319 , 320 ; erosion of power of, 310 ー 311 , 312 ー 13 , 316 , 317 ー 18 , 343 ; in Japan, 266 , 311 ー 12 ; in Mexico, 318 , 319 , 320 ; migration and, 303 ー 4 Lagardere, Jean-Luc, 83 L. A. Gear, 327 Latvia, 220 lawyers, corporate, 345 , 352 layo , 416 , 420 ; in auto industry, 268 , 274 , 278 , 291 , 312 ー 13 , 317 ー 18 lean production, 265 ー 68 , 312 , 315 ー 16 , 318 , 331 least developed countries (LDCs), 287. See 4 な 0 developing countries leisure time, 28 , 40 , 247 , 334 ー 35 Leninism, 20 leveraged buyouts, 378 , 379 ー 80 , 411 , 412 Levi Strauss, 171 , 285 , 331 ー 32 , 335 Levitt, Theodore, 168 Literary Guild, 101 , 103 L. L. Bean, 173 lobbying, 345 , 346 c 引 content rules, 279 ー 80 localism, 21 ー 22 London Stock Exchange, 399 , 400 , 401 magazines: proliferation of, 173 ; published Madonna, 148 , 151 , 154 , 165 McNamara, Robert, 353 Macmillan, 99 McKinsey & Co, 26 , 27 ー 28 , 82 health concerns and, 238 ー 39 McDonald's, 79 , 167 , 172 , 235 , 246 , 291 ; MacBride, Seån, 106 MacArthur, Douglas, 265 ー 66 Maastricht Treaty, 351 Malawi, tobacco grown in, 205 , 206 , 207 117 by Bertelsmann, 69 , 74 ー 77 , 81 ー 84 , 86 , Malaysia, 142 , 249 , 285 , 287 , 325 , 383 malls. See shopping centers and malls malnutrition, 210 , 211 , 212 , 245 ー 46 , 247 , 253 , 353 Mandai, Junshiro, 62 Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. , 379 , 412 ー 13 manufacturing, 310 ー 34 ; child labor in, 333 ー 34 ; contracting-out in, 325 ー 26 , 327 ー 28 , 331 ー 34 ; in export-processing zones, 300 ー 301 , 321 , 326 ー 27 ; at foreign- owned factories in U. S. , 321 ー 25 ; global division oflabor and, 283 ー 86 ; informal economy and, 328 ー 29 ; j0b rotation in, 315 , 316 ; just in time production in, 267 , 268 , 312 , 315 ー 16 , 332 卩 ean production in, 265 ー 68 , 312 , 315 ー 16 , 318 , 331 oss of jobs in, 53 ー 54 , 259 , 268 , 274 ー 76 , 291 ー 92 , 310 , 317 ー 20 , 325 , 332 , 356 , 416 ー 17 ; migration to cities and, 299 ー 301 ; relocated to low-wage enclaves, 53 ー 54 , 274 ー 76 , 318 ー 20 , 325 , 326 , 332 , 356 ; of sport shoes, 325 ー 26 , 327 ー 28 ; in sweatshops, 330 ー 31 , 333 ; team produc- tion in, 266 , 314 ー 15 , 316 , 318 ; wage trends ⅲ , 313 ー 14 , 330 ー 31. See 4 な 0 fac- tories; mass production 川 444 〃 4d0m5 , 64 , 254 ー 55 Mares, Peter, 326 ー 27 Marine Mammal Protection Act, 351 marketing and promotion, 16 , 168 ー 83 ; aimed at children, 166 , 241 ; alternatives tO advertising in, 173 ; in autO industry, 267 ; of books, 98 ー 100 , 109 , 110 ; cig- arettes, 189 ー 92 , 193 , 195 , 196 ー 98 ; de- cline in effectiveness of, 174 ; developing countries' potential and, 179 ー 80 , 181 ー 183 ; emphasis on, 168 ; focused on wealthiest countries, 176 , 178 ; in food industry, 239 , 241 ー 42 , 246 ; global ads in, 168 ー 171 , 174 , 178 ; language prob- lems and, 170 ー 71 oc 引 sensibilities and, 171 ; in music industry, 114 , 148 ー 49 ; pop songs in, 147 ー 48 , 154 ; proliferation 0f ads and, 172 ー 73 ; of Sony, 48 ー 52 , 61 ; worldwide expenditures on, 171 ー 72 market niches, 173 , 178 market research, 174 ー 75 Marlboro, 16 , 169 , 185 , 187 , 188 , 194 , 196 , 198 , 200 ー 201 , 204 ; ad campaigns for, 189 ー 92 , 193 , 195 ; history 研 , 189 ー 90 Marlboro man, 188 , 190 ー 92 , 193 , 195 , 196 , 202 , 204 Marshall Plan, 105 Marx, Karl, 288 Marxism, 155 Mason, James 0. , 201 ー 2 mass production, 259 , 312 , 315 ; introduced

at Ford, 260 ー 61 ; Japanese modification of, 265 ー 68 ; variety introduced into, 262. S どど 4 な 0 factories ; manufacturing Matra, 83 Matsushita, 16 , 26 , 31 , 44 ー 45 , 48 , 55 ー 56 , 57 , 61 , 62 , 92 , 130 , 133 , 144 , 147 , 182 Mattel, 177 Maucher, Helmut, 226 Mauritius, 285 Maxwell, Hamish, 198 , 199 , 220 , 221 , 222 ; background of, 213 ー 14 ; f00d companies acquired by, 212 ー 13 , 214 ー 18 , 219 Maxwell, Robert, 68 , 76 , 90 , 92 , 97 , 99 , 108 Mayer, Peter, 104 Mazda, 271 ー 72 , 315 MCA, 26 , 31 , 92 , 133 , 144 , 146 merchandising, 146 Merck, 182 mergers and acquisitions: in banking, 411 ー 413 ; capital needed for, 400 ; in entertain- ment industry, 67 , 80 , 104 ー 5 , 116 ー 36 ; in food industry, 212 ー 18 , 219 , 226 ー 28 , 229 ー 32 ; history of, 231 ; leveraged buy- outs and, 378 , 379 ー 80 , 411 , 412 ; in pub- lishing industry, 91 ー 92 , 93 Mexico, 284 , 294 , 295 , 351 ; auto plants relocated to, 318 ー 20 ; bank loans to, 369 , 370 , 371 , 372 ; cigarettes in, 191 , 192 ; eating habits in, 246 ; as f00d exporter, 253 ー 56 ; foreign cultural dominanon feared in, 106 , 107 ; labor movement in, 318 , 319 , 320 ; 川 44 耘 doras in, 64 , 254 ー 55 ; migrant workers 伝 om , 298 , 302 ー 3 , 307 ; NAFTA and, 253 ー 54 , 351 , 355 ー 57 , 402 Michelin, 322 microwave cooking, 247 , 248 ー 49 MiddIe East: migrant labor in, 296 , 297 ; oil-producing natlons in, 286 , 368 , 396. S どど 4 な 0 sp どこ ~ C ( 0 ″れ一ど 5 MiddIe East Credit Company (MECICO), 377 migration, 296 ー 309 ; t0 C1ties, 179 , 210 , 299 ー 301 ; of college and university gradu- ates, 304 , 309 ; cultural attitudes about work and, 296 ー 97 ; historic perspective on, 297 ー 99 ; illegal, 298 , 303 , 307 ; Japa- nese labor shortage and, 306 ー 7 oc 引 labor-relations culture changed by, 303 ー 4 ; loss of skilled workers and pro- fessionals due tO, 309 ; neoclassical eco- nomic theory and, 303 ; preservation of cultural identity and, 304 , 307 , 308 ; ra- cial and ethnic tenslons resulting 丘 0n1 , 298 , 302 , 304 , 307 ー 9 ; receiving countries affected by, 303 ー 6 , 307 ー 9 ; transnational networks poor people and, 302 ー 3 ; to Western Europe, 296 , 305 ー 6 , 308 ー 9 INDEX / 475 MiIan Stock Exchange, 401 Miles, Michael, 198 , 214 , 218 , 219 , 220 , 221 ー 22 Milken, Michael, 378 Milli Vanilli, 123 Mi nckwitz, Bernard von, 103 Mini Disc, 144 minimum wage, 327 Mitsubishi Bank, 410 Mitsubishi Electric, 61 ー 62 Mitsui Bank, 62 Miyaoka, Senri, 57 Mo ト i し 243 Mohn, Reinhard, 68 , 70 ー 79 , 83 ー 89 , 116. S ど 4 な 0 Bertelsmann money, 17 , 359 ー 418 ; in American life, 413 ー 14 ; currency devaluations and, 397 ; electronic transfers of, 385 ー 91 ; Euro- dollars and, 365 , 395 , 397 , 400 , 418 ; foreign-exchange trade and, 390 ー 91 , 395 ー 96 , 397 ー 98 ; value of, 385 , 395 ー 96. See 4 な 0 banking and financial servrces; 52 ( ~ C C ″ re れロど 5 money laundering, 389 money-market funds, 393 Monsanto, 279 Montgomery Ward, 335 M00 代 , George, 364 ー 65 J. P. Morgan, 382 , 410 , 411 Morita, Akio, 42 ー 67 , 136 , 323 , 346 ; Asia as viewed by, 64 ー 65 ; music industry and, 125 , 127 , 128 ; U. S. as viewed by, 50 , 51 , 53 ー 55. See 4 な 0 Sony Morita, Masaaki, 62 ー 63 Motorola, 57 Mottola, Tommy, 132 movies, 26 , 27 , 28 , 36 , 38 , 55 , 94 , 104 ー 5 , 107 , 132 , 153 ; culturalimperialism and, 159 ー 60 ; foreign acquisition of U. S. stu- dios and, 80 , 125 , 128 , 129 , 134 ー 36 ; violence in, 157 Mozambique, 252 MTV, 38 ー 39 , 126 , 138 , 153 ー 54 , 157 , 171 multiculturalism, 308 multinational corporatlons, 14 , 15 , 168 , 423 ー 25 ; courted by developing countries, 424. See 4 な 0 global corporations; “圻 c CO PO 4 〃 0 れ 5 multiple-channel recording, 151 ー 52 Murdoch, Rupert, 76 , 84 , 92 , 99 , 380 Murray, William, 213 music, 94 ; classical, 113 , 118 ー 19 ; expres- S10ns of discontent in, 36 ー 37 , 38 ー 39 ; in workplace, 40 ー 41 music industry, 26 , 27 ー 28 , 112 ー 36 , 145 ー 160 ; Bertelsmann in, 26 , 73 , 83 , 116 ー 23 , 139 , 140 , 142 , 143 , 144 ー 45 , 150 , 155 , 158 ー 59 ; cultural imperialism and, 149 ー 150 ; demographics and, 29 ; distribution

476 / GLOBAL DREAMS music industry ( CO れた ) in, 113 ; downturn and resurgence of ( 1980S ) , 126 ー 27 ; foreign acquisition of し S. companies and, 67 , 104 ー 5 , 116 ー 36 ; globalization market and, 112 ー 13 , 137 ー 41 , 145 ー 46 , 151—52;locaItradi- tions and, 149 ー 53 ; marketing and pro- motion in, 114 , 148 ー 49 ; merchandise sales and, 146 ; non - 代ねⅱ markets of, 147 ー 48 ; piracy and, 141 ー 42 , 143 , 144 ー 145 ; prices and, 146 ー 47 ; selection of tal- ent in, 147 ; social critics and, 155 ; superstars and, 113 , 114 ; synergy in, 154 ; talent-raiding campaigns in, 122 ; technology and, 27 , 143 ー 44 , 152 ; uneasy alliance Of "creative types ” and "suits ” in, 114 ー 15 , 120 music videos, 153 ー 54 , 155 , 157 Nabisco, 168 , 214 , 229. See 4 な 0 RJR Nabisco Nader, Ralph, 352 Nannen, Henri, 74 ー 75 National City Bank, 362 ー 63 , 369 national debt, 341 ー 42 , 403 , 404 , 406 ー 7 , 408 national governments: authority crISiS Of, 19 ー 20 , 340 ー 41 , 342 , 348 , 408 ー 9 , 422 ー 423 , 428 , 427 ; Bertelsmann's uews on, 88 ; breakup of nations and, 20 , 340 ー 41 ; control over national economies lOSt by, 20 ー 21 , 340 , 408 ー 9 , 422 ー 23 , 428 ; corpo- rations' political influence ov び , 342 ー 47 , 348 ; global economic integration and, 408 ー 9 , 415 , 421 ー 23 ; global financial markets and, 397 ー 98 ; large corporations' relationships with, 281 ー 82 ; public-service jobs in, 339 ー 40 ; reorganization 0f global production and, 339 ー 42 , 357 ー 58 ; socially integrative role of, 340 , 341 ; stateless cor- porations and, 280 ー 81 , 342 , 424 nationalism, 20 , 104 , 427 , 429 NBC, 91 , 117 , 347 Nescafé, 220 , 225 Nestlé, 16 , 172 , 173 , 182 , 187 , 206 , 211 , 219 , 220 , 222 ー 26 , 227 , 275 , 346 Netherlands, 295 , 311 , 314 ; banking in, 411 , 412 New Deal, 341 , 392 Newhouse, 91 ー 92 , 99 newly industrializing countries (NICs), 284 , 285 ; aspiring, 284 ー 85 ; GATT and, 352 ; migrant workers from, 299. See 4 な 0 de- veloping countries New York Stock Exchange, 399 , 400701 , 407 niche marketing, 173 , 178 Niewiarra, Manfred, 79 Nigeria, 182 Nike, 15 , 54 , 325 ー 26 , 327 ー 28 Nikko Securities, 405 Nippon Life, 406 Nissan, 355 Nixon, Richard M. , 395 , 396 Nomura Securities, 405 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 253 ー 54 , 350 , 351 , 355 ー 57 , 402 North Carolina NationaI Bank (NCNB), 413 Norway, 171 O'Brien, Richard, 396 ー 97 oceans: pollution of, 289 ー 90 Ochno, Taiichi, 265 , 266 Ohga, Norio, 45 , 57 ー 58 , 63 , 64 , 125 , 127 , 134 oi し 286 , 368 , 396 O'Neill, Richard, 142 ー 43 organic f00d, 238 Organization of Petroleum Exporting Coun- tries (OPEC), 286 OrweII, George, 39 ー 40 packaging, 242 ー 43 , 24475 , 289 Pakistan, 207 , 226 , 294 ; migrant workers from, 296 , 297 , 302 PaIey, William, 124 , 127 Panama, 285 , 357 Paraguay, 207 Pareles, John, 146 , 154 Parents MusiC Resource Center, 155 part-time work, 310 , 340 Passell, Peter, 387 , 388 , 390 patents, 354 Pepsico (Pepsi-Cola), 127 , 128 , 148 , 167 , 172 , 182 , 213 , 241 , 246 , 254 Perot, Ross, 343 Persian Gulf War, 297 Peru, 369 Peters, Jon, 129 , 135 Petersen, Donald E ” 268 , 271 , 272 , 314 petrodollars, 368 , 396 pharmaceutical industry, 192 , 230 , 354 PhiIip Morris, 14 , 16 , 18 , 172 , 176 , 182 ; in cigarette industry, 184 ー 85 , 186 ー 204 , 206 , 212 ー 15 , 218 , 222 , 225 , 228 , 229 , 286 ; diversification of, 187 ー 88 , 212 ー 13 ; in food industry, 211 , 212 ー 22 , 225 , 226 , 228 ー 29 , 231 , 237 ー 38 , 239 , 240 ; foreign tobacco used by, 206 ; history , 188 ー 192 ; overseas markets developed by, 187 , 188 , 198 ー 204 ; political influence of, 344 ; potential new smokers targeted by, 195 ー 197. See 4 な 0 Marlboro Philippines, 142 , 179 ー 80 , 182 , 285 ; Citi- bank's credit-card business in, 377 ; Citi- bank's loans to, 368 ; data-processing

477 jobs in, 336 ー 37 ; eating habits in, 246 ; as food exporter, 251 ー 52 ; garment industry in, 333 ー 34 ; migrant workers from, 296 , 297 , 298 , 304 , 306 ー 7 ; shopping malls in, 165 ー 66 ; tobacco grown in, 206 , 207 Philips, 16 , 26 , 53 , 113 , 120 , 122 , 133 , 144 , 147 , 275 PhiIIips-Van Heusen, 332 Pillsbury, 254 piracy, 141 ー 43 , 144 ー 45 Pittman, Robert, 157 Poland, 171 , 305 , 331 politics: American pop culture and, 37 ー 38 ; corporate interests and, 342 ー 47 , 348 ; electoral process and, 343 , 414 ; as spec- tator sport, 41. S ど 4 な 0 national govern- ments pollution, 289 ー 90 , 352 PolyGram, 26 , 120 , 132 population growth, 179 , 211 , 294 , 299 PortugaI, 297 postindustrial age, 334 potato chips, 242 poverty, 179 ー 80 , 183 , 288 , 289 , 293 , 299 prawns, 251 ー 52 Prentice Hall, 96 prison-made goods, 332 privatization, 339 , 357 , 424 Procter & GambIe, 171 , 172 , 182 , 221 , 225 production: environment damaged by, 289 ー 290. See 4 な 0 factories; manufacturing; mass production; workplace productivity, 312 , 417 ; team concept and, 315 , 316 , 318 profit-sharing, 87 ー 88 propaganda, 39 ー 40 protectionism, 349 , 350 Prudential, 393 public relations, 345 , 346 public-service jobs, 339 ー 40 publishing industry, 68 ー 111 ; Americans as fashion setters in, 97 ー 98 ; assembly-line approach in, 100 ; bottom line as driving force in, 108 ; commercialization of, 93 109 ー 11 ; consolidation of, 91 ー 92 , 93 ; cultural domination and, 104 ー 7 ; ed- ucational, 91 , 96 , 105 ; European inte- gration and, 104 ; executive censorship in, 108 ー 9 ; foreign acquisition of U. S. houses and, 92 , 94 , 97 , 100 ー 103 , 104 ー 5 ; global products and, 80 ー 81 , 94 ー 95 ; marketing and promotion in, 98 ー 100 , 109 , 110 ; obstacles to global- ization of, 104 ー 7 ; retail distribution and, 98 ー 100 , 109 , 110 ; scientific, 96 ー 97 ; synergies in, 92 ー 93 ; technology and, 109 ; trade-book, 93 ー 96 , 98 ー 100 , 109 ー 11. 立ど 4 な 0 authors; bOOks; Bertelsmann; sp ど C じ 24 わ騰厖 INDEX / purchasing power, wage levels and, 314 quality control, 324 ー 25 Quayle, Dan, 202 , 279 Quotron, 3 81 radio, 48 , 107 , 143 , 148 ー 49 Random House, 91 , 92 , 99 , 100 , 102 , 104 RCA, 26 , 83 , 91 , 92 , 116 ー 23 , 276 , 280 ; Bertelsmann's acquisition 0f, 116 ー 18 ; Bertelsmann's management of, 119 ー 23 RC Cola, 154 Reagan, Ronald, 20 , 55 , 99 , 153 , 167 , 202 , 206 , 231 , 293 , 339 ー 40 , 342 , 351 , 367 , 375 , 406 , 410 real-estate market: banking and, 380 ー 81 , 393 ー 94 , 413 ; Japanese investors and, 405 , 407 , 408 recycling, 351 Redstone, Sumner, 138 Reebok, 49 , 326 , 327 Reed, John S ” 363 , 364 , 366 ー 67 , 371 , 372 , 373 , 375 , 376 , 378 , 379 , 380 , 381 , 382 ー 384 , 412 Regan, Donald, 404 Regulation Q, 392 ー 93 Reich, Robert, 280 , 281 , 334 , 345 religion, 40 , 340 ; fundamentalism and, 37 , 140 , 155 , 429 Reward America program, 381 Richman, John M. , 217 ー 18 Riesman, David, 155 R. J. ReynoIds, 189 , 203 , 204 , 214 , 229 RJR Nabisco, 172 , 182 , 201 , 227 , 228 ; in cigarette industry, 195 , 196 , 197 , 198 , 206 Robinson's Galleria (Manila), 165 ー 66 robots, 62 ー 63 , 268 , 316 , 324 rock 'n' roll, 38 Rohatyn, Felix, 55 , 386 Ross, Ken, 128 Rostow, Walt, 288 Rubberworld, 333 Rubin, Stephen, 103 Russia, 305 , 337 , 421 , 424 ; cigarettes in, 185 , 195 ; entertainment industry and, 139 ー 40 ; global products in, 167. See 4 な 0 Soviet Union Saatchi, Charles and Maurice, 170 St. Lucia, 285 Samsung, 56 ー 57 Sara Lee, 227 Sassen, Saskia, 299 , 301 Saudi Arabia, 140 , 396 savings-and-loan crisis, 381 , 393 ー 94 , 415 Saztec, 336 ー 37 Scandinavia, 311

478 / GLOBAL DREAMS Schwinn, 54 , 285 Schumpeter, Joseph, 278 82 ー 83 , 85 ー 86 Schulte-Hillen, Gerd, 74 ー 76 , 77 , 78 , 81 , 132 ー 33 , 134 Schulhof, MichaeI P ” 61 , 66 , 128 , 130 ー 31 , Scholl-Latour, Peter, 77 Schmuckli, Jacob, 66 Schiffrin, Andre, 108 132 ー 34 ; Japanese business culture and, software combined by, 125 , 130 ー 31 , tlon" strategy 0f, 65 ー 66 ; hardware and tion of ( 1990S ) , 63 ー 67 ; "globallocaliza- industry and, 53 ー 55 ; four-part revitaliza- trated in Japan, 63 , 66 ; erosion 0f U. S. 63 ー 65 ; engmeering talent , concen- 48 ; economic development in ASia and, ( 1980S ) , 55 ー 57 , 61 ; early days of, 42 ー Ala. , plant of, 322 ー 25 ; downturn 0f diversification of, 57 , 63 , 67 , 80 ; Dothan, 132 , 133 , 134 , 141 , 143 ー 45 , 14677 ; consumer electronics and, 42 ー 67 , 130 ー 357 , 410 ; Betamax and, 55 ー 56 , 57 , 125 ; Sony, 16 , 18 , 42 ー 67 , 79 , 138 , 182 , 306 , Sommer, Ron, 134 Somalia, 252 ー 53 , 299 software industry, 145 , 337 socialism, 20 , 106 , 287 , 424 Snyder, Richard, 109 , 110 snack industry, 240 ー 42 , 246 smoking. S ど cigarettes 、 smokers' rights" movement, 195 Smith, Adam, 287 ー 88 Sloan, Alfred P. , 85 , 262 slave trade, 298 300 , 305 , 376 ー 77 , 383 Singapore, 142 , 250 , 284 , 285 , 294 , 296 , Simon & Schuster, 91 , 96 , 97 , 109 Sierra Leone, 252 Siemens, 275 countries, 165 ー 66 178 ー 79 ; decline of, 180 ; in developing shopping centers and malls, 164 ー 66 , 168 , Shannon lnternational Free Port, 300 Shaiken, Harley, 319 ー 20 service industries, 259 ー 60 , 293 Servan-Schreiber, Jean-Jacques, 423 Serbia, 421 Senegal, 289 semiconductors, 46 , 57 , 63 Security Pacific, 400 , 412 391 Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 406 , 408 , 411 gains from, 416 ; U. S. -government, 386 , 412 ; Japanese vs. U. S. , 410 ー 11 ; taxes on securities: banking and, 399 ー 401 , 411 , secessionary impulses, 20 , 340 ー 41 Sears, 172 , 332 , 335 , 393 , 416 61 ー 62 卩 ocal sensibilities respected by, 59 ; marketing of, 48 ー 52 , 61 ; in movie indus- try, 125 , 128 , 129 , 130 ー 31 , 132 ー 33 , 134 ー 36 ; in music industry, 26 , 58 , 67 , 113 , 116 , 124 ー 35 ; overseas production facilities of, 52 ー 53 , 59 , 63 ー 65 , 66 ; politi- calinfluence of, 346 ; as quintessentially Japanese corporation, 60 ー 61 ; as un- Japanese company, 59 ー 60 Sony Music, 26 , 130 ー 35 , 146 , 155 Sony Pictures, 130 ー 31 , 132 ー 33 , 134 ー 36 South Africa, 152 Soviet Union, 105 , 283 ー 84 , 286 , 339 , 340 , 355 , 420. See 4 な 0 Russia Spain, 291 , 311 , 397 , 401 , 411 , 412 Spiegel, Der, 74 , 81 Spielberg, Steven, 134 , 135 sport-shoe industry, 325 ー 26 , 327 ー 28 Springer, Axel, 74 Springsteen, Bruce, 114 , 124 , 128 , 129 Sri Lanka, 151 , 207 , 285 , 287 , 289 ; textile factories in, 326 ー 27 standard ofliving, 340 , 375 ; migration and, 296 , 299 , 303 state taxes: on foreign-owned firms, 345 ー 46 Steel, Danielle, 94 Stempel, Robert C. , 317 S 川 , 74 ー 76 , 77 , 81 stock markets, 399 , 400 ー 401 , 407 , 410 Storr, Hans, 198 , 228 ー 29 strategic alliances, 424 ; in autO industry, 271 ー 74 , 316 strikes, 311 , 320 subsistence farming, 210 , 291 , 299 suburbs, migratton to, 276 ー 77 sugar, 240 , 247 , 251 , 287 Sumitomo Bank, 405 ー 6 supermarkets, 175 , 181 , 218 , 230 ; in afflu- ent vs. poor neighborhoods, 243 ー 44 ; in developing countries, 166 Supreme Court, U. S. , 188 , 193 sweat shops, 330 ー 31 , 333 Sweden, 314 , 340 ; c 引 music in, 150 ー 51 SWIFT (Society of Worldwide lnterbank Financial Telecommunications), 387 ー 88 Switzerland, 171 , 250 , 296 , 423 ; banking in, 389 , 397 , 412 synergy, 190 , 215 ; entertainment industry and, 131 , 132 ー 34 ; music industry and, 154 ; publishing industry and, 92 ー 93 Taiwan, 142 , 284 , 285 , 288 , 294 , 300 , 321 , 326 , 355 , 376 ; cigarettes in, 200 , 201 , 202 , 204 ; as food exporter, 251 ー 52 ; mi- grant labor in, 296 ー 97 , 307 ; as potential market, 181 Tanzania, 150 , 207 tape players: digital audiotape (DAT) and' 133 , 143 ー 45 ; WaIkman, 49 , 63 , 131 ー 32

tape recorders, 45 ー 46 , 58 taxes, 344 , 345 , 348 , 409 ; capital gains and, 416 ; on corporate earnings, 344 , 345 ー 46 ; excise, 193 ー 94 , 199 ; global money-transfer system and evasion Of' 388 ー 89 , 390 ー 91 ; transfer pricing and, 345 Tax Reform Act ( 1986 ) , 344 TayIor, Peter, 206 ー 7 team production, 266 , 314 ー 15 , 316 , 318 technology, 398 ; banking and, 386 ー 87 , 398 ー 99 ; bioengmeering and, 251 , 426 ; commumcations industry 79 ; ( 0n1 , petitiveness oflargest firms and, 425 ; consumer electronics and, 42 ー 67 , 143 ー 146 ; entertainment industry and, 26 ー 27 , 40 ; food industry and, 235 , 251 , 426 ; jobs crisis and, 426 ; music industry and' 27 , 143 ー 44 , 152 ; publishing industry and, 109 telecommunicatlons, 337 telemarketing, 172 , 173 television, 15 , 27 , 36 , 38 , 80 , 91 , 107 , 108 , 167 , 249 ; cable ( 5 cable television); cig- arette advertising banned from, 193 , 195 ; culturalimperialism and, 159 ー 60 ; global ads on, 168 ー 71 ; in Mexico, 246 ; music videos on, 153 ー 54 , 157 ; proliferation 0f channels on, 172 ー 73 ; psychological ef- fects of, 156 ー 59 temporary employment, 340 Texas lnstruments, 337 textile factories, 326 ー 27 ThaiIand, 142 , 143 , 285 , 326 ; cigarettes in, 201 , 204 ; Citibank's credit-card business in, 377 ; as od exporter, 251 ー 52 ; to- bacco grown in, 205 , 206 Thatcher, Margaret, 20 , 52 ー 53 , 339 ー 40 , 344 theme parks, 30 ー 35 , 164 , 398 Third WorId. See developing countries; newly industrializing countries; 52 ど ( ~ ( ( 04 れ一行ど 5 Thompson, Donald N. , 400 Thoreau, Henry David, 108 Thorn-EMI, 26 Thurow, Lester, 55 Thyssen, 75 , 76 Time lnc. , 335 Time Warner, 16 , 68 , 80 , 92 , 97 Tisch, Laurence A. , 126 , 127 tobacco: growing of, 205 ー 7 ; mood- altering properties of, 185 ー 86. See 4 な 0 cigarettes Tobacco Heritage Committee, 204 Tobacco lnstitute, 195 , 199 , 200 Togo, 252 Tokyo Stock Exchange, 401 , 407 tourism, 29 ー 35 ; degradatlon 0f natural en- INDEX / 479 uronment and, 30 ; theme parks and, 30 ー 35 tOXins, exportatlon Of, 289 Toyota, 265 ー 67 , 316 , 320 , 345 , 411 Trade Act ( 1974 ) , 201 , 202 trade-advisory panels, 352 trade barriers, 176. See 4 な 0 free trade trade deficit, 54 ー 55 , 58 , 64 , 200 , 201 , 221 , 229 , 403 , 404 ー 5 transfer pricing, 345 transistor technology, 46 ー 48 translations, 94 travel, 29 ー 35 , 236. See 4 な 0 tourism Treasury, U. S. , 342 , 356 , 394 , 406 Treasury bonds and bills, 386 , 406 , 408 , 411 Trimmer, Rev. Thomas E. , 332 ー 33 Trinidad, 151 tropical oils, 251 , 287 Truman, Harry S. , 365 Trump, Donald, 378 , 380 , 414 Tsuda, Akihiko, 125 tuna, 351 Tunisia, 151 , 207 Turkey, 295 ; migrant workers 伝 om , 296 , 308 Uganda, 286 Ukraine, 337 unemployment, 178 , 221 , 290 ー 93 , 294 , 329 , 355 , 416 ー 17 , 422 ; factory reloca- tion and, 276 ; government policies and, 339 ー 40 , 348 ; human costs of, 292 ; wage levels and, 313 unemployment benefits, 317 Unilever, 16 , 172 , 182 , 219 , 336 , 346 unitary taxation, 345 ー 46 United Auto Workers (UAW), 313 , 314 , 315 , 316 , 317 , 318 United Nations, 29 , 284 , 300 United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 106 Universal Pictures, 57 Uruguay, 369 U. S. Agency for lnternational Development (USAID), 325 U. S. lnformation Agency, 105 Vale, Norman, 169 VaIenti, Jack, 38 Va ⅲり - ん耘 , 84 vegetables, 245 , 254 ー 55 ; "counter- seasonal," 235 ー 36 Viacom, 138 video cassette recorders (VCRs), 55 ー 56 , 57 , 63 , 125 video home system (VHS), 55 ー 56 , 57 videos, 107 , 140 ; music, 153 ー 54 , 155 , 157 ; pirated, 142 ー 43 Vietnam, migration 伝 om , 299 , 301 , 307

480 / GLOBAL DREAMS Wada, Yoshihiro, 273 V01kswagen, 320 VoIcker, Paul, 396 , 406 Voice of America, 38 , 40 Vitale, Alberto, 98 , 101 , 102 , Visser, Margaret, 248 ー 49 Virgin Music Group, 132 Virginia Slims, 196 158 ー 59 violence, media portrayals of, 155 , 156 ー 103 wages, 321 , 340 , 375 ; in auto industry, 57 , 260 ー 61 , 262 , 313 ; downward pressure on, 313 ー 14 , 330 ー 31 , 349 , 384 , 420 , 427 ; factory relocation and, 53 ー 54 , 274 ー 276 , 318 ー 20 , 325 , 326 , 332 , 356 ; of skilled vs. unskilled workers, 357 WaIdenbooks, 98 Wales, 151 WaIkman, 49 , 63 , 131 ー 32 Warner, 26 , 113 , 122 , 129 , 132 , 142 Washington, D. C. , immigrants in, 307 ー 8 wealth, disparities of, 179 ー 80 , 277 , 278 , Wasserman, Lew, 133 Wolters Kluwer, 97 101 , 116 , 117 , 119 , 121 , 141 Woessner, Mark, 77 ー 78 , 79 ー 80 , 81 , 85 ー 86 , Woessner, Frank, 85 Winston, 193 WhirlpooI, 53 Wenner, Jann, 38 welfare, 305 , 341 , 357 Welch, John, 118 Weissman, George, 190 , 193 341 ー 42 women: cigarettes marketed to, 189 , 196 ・ as factory workers, 321 , 325 , 326 ー 27 , 328 ー 29 , 332 ー 33 ; "feminization" of work and, 294 ー 96 ; migration of, 300 ー 301 , 304 work hours, 28 , 40 workplace, 16 ー 17 , 259 ー 358 ; automation of, 268 , 310 , 324 , 325 , 420 ; deregulation of, 294 ー 95 ; establishing global standards for, 333 ー 34 ; government policies and, 339 ー 42 , 357 ー 58 ; music in, 40 ー 41. See 4 な 0 automobile industry; division of la- bor, global; factories; labor market; man- ufacturing; mass production WorId Bank, 207 , 250 , 250 , 251 , 288 , 299 ー 300 , 352 ー 53 , 368 , 371 "world beat, ” 152 world's fairs, 31 , 34 ー 35 , 398 WorId Tourism Organization, 29 WorId War Ⅱ , 70 ー 71 , 263 , 265 , 352 , 394 , 426 Wriston, Walter B. , 364 ー 66 , 367 ー 69 , 370 , 372 , 378 , 380 , 391 Yasuda Mutual Life, 406 yen (Japan), 64 , 314 , 404 ー 5 , 407 Yetnikoff, WaIter, 114 ー 15 , 125 , 126 , 127 , 128 ー 29 Yeutter, CIayton, 201 , 202 , 203 Yugoslavia, 289 , 421 Yunich, Peter, 109 Zambia, 286 Zenith, 57 Zimbabwe, 206
